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Filecoin Virtual Machine Enabled


The Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM) can serve as a powerful backbone for creating a decentralized, Web3-based alternative to Obsidian Publish by leveraging its smart contract capabilities and decentralized storage features. With FVM, you can deploy smart contracts that manage the publishing, access control, and monetization aspects of digital content securely and transparently.

  1. Decentralized Storage: Utilize Filecoin's decentralized storage to store the actual markdown files, images, and other assets associated with Obsidian Publish documents, ensuring high availability and censorship resistance.

  2. Smart Contracts for Access Control: Implement smart contracts to handle permissions and access control. Authors and content creators can specify who can view or edit their published content, enabling granular access controls that are enforced by the blockchain.

  3. Content Monetization: Smart contracts on FVM can also facilitate content monetization through pay-per-access models, subscription services, or microtransactions, where users pay a small fee to access premium content, and proceeds are automatically distributed to creators.

  4. Version Control and Provenance: Leverage the immutability of blockchain to provide a tamper-proof history of all content published. Authors can track changes and revisions over time, ensuring transparent version control and content provenance.

  5. Interoperability with Other Web3 Services: Use FVM's compatibility with other blockchain networks to integrate with existing Web3 services such as decentralized identity (DID) systems, ensuring secure and verifiable author identities.

By integrating these features, a Web3 alternative to Obsidian Publish powered by the Filecoin Virtual Machine can offer enhanced security, transparency, and functionality in a decentralized framework.